Base building is one of the most important aspects of Palworld. It’s where we live, keep our pals, store items, craft new things using technology points, and much more.
In the vast open world of Palworld, you can set up your base anywhere you like. However, if you’re looking for a place with a beautiful surrounding environment or abundant resources, I’m here to share the top 10 locations for your base.
Some of these spots are cool and unique, while others are rich in resources. I’ll also provide the coordinates for each location to make them easier for you to find.
1. Stunning ANUBIS Statue and Fountain (-551, -627)

This spot is incredibly beautiful and unique. Right from the entrance, you are greeted with stone stairs, and just a little ahead, there’s a fast travel point. While fast travel might not be very useful if you’re setting up a base here, but it can be handy for calling players who aren’t part of your guild.
Moving forward, there’s a stone bridge followed by some chairs, leading to the main base building location, where you can build your pal box. The area is spacious and almost flat, making it ideal for creating an impressive base design.
Surrounding this base, you will find an ANUBIS statue with a waterfall behind it, and the base itself is surrounded by water, providing natural protection against raiders. Additionally, there are naturally generated tower-like flat surfaces that can be used to create watchtowers.
2. The Raid-Proof Mountain Waterfall Base (305, -42)

This base is practically raid-proof. Here you will see a mountain waterfall with a total of 8 ores. And if you build your base at the very top of this mountain, you’ll enjoy exceptional safety from raids. Most raiders spawn in the valley below, and by the time they make their way up, they usually despawn.
However, this high level of safety comes with a drawback. The area available for building is quite limited. And you can’t set up your base here at the very beginning of the game because high-level pals like Mossanda spawn in the surrounding area. But once you upgrade your pals army a bit, this location becomes a viable and secure option.
3. Best Mining Base Location in the Game (-37, -163)

At these coordinates, you’ll find one of the best mining base locations in the game. This spot features 2 stone, 8 ores, and 1 coal, all conveniently located nearby. Building your base here ensures you’ll never run out of ore or stone. Additionally, there is a skill fruit tree, which is extremely useful. If you’re not aware, the skill fruit tree allows your pals to learn a new active skill, which can be invaluable during battles.
Furthermore, if you move a little ahead from this location, you’ll find a camp where you can free captured pals and easily add them to your collection. These pals respawn at the camp after a few days, providing a continuous supply of different varieties of pals. So, if you set up your base here, you’ll have plenty of pals right next door.
4. Another Great Mining Base Location (157, -397)

Continuing with the mining bases, at these coordinates, you’ll find another excellent mining area. The great thing about this location is that low-level pals spawn here, making it perfect for setting up a base at the beginning of the game. This area features a total of 8 ores, and just a little further ahead, there’s a beautiful pond and waterfall.
The best part is that here, you’ll encounter a boss dragon-type pal. If you establish your base here, capturing this powerful pal will be a breeze, even at the very start of the game.
5. Next-Level View and Resource-Rich Base Location (2, -525)

The next location on our list offers an incredible view and an abundance of resources. You’ll find a vast, flat area perfect for unleashing your creativity and building a beautiful base. The surrounding environment is stunning, and the area is rich in ores, so you’ll never run out of resources.
Just a short walk from this spot, there’s a camp where you can easily obtain new pals. As for the base’s protection, this area is surrounded by cliffs on almost all sides, reducing the threat of raiders. You’ll only need to secure the backside with walls or other defenses, which can be done quite easily.
6. Expansive Base Location Near Waterfall (-14, -88)

Here, you’ll find a stone area surrounded by trees. You can clear these trees to build your base near the waterfall. The main reason this spot made the list is the extensive area available within the palbox radius. While the palbox radius is limited horizontally, it has no vertical limit.
Building your palbox here gives you a vast amount of space both below and above, allowing you to assign tasks to your pals in various ways. Additionally, there’s a black marketeer nearby where you can sell or buy pals.
7. Ruined Castle Near Fast Travel Point (-190, -381)

At these coordinates, you’ll find a ruined castle with a fast travel point behind it. While there might not be many special features, the environment and aesthetics make this one of the most unique and cool locations in the game.
The castle walls surrounding the area look fantastic, and there’s also a watchtower where you can get creative with your builds or use it for protection.
In front of the castle, there’s a beach with a beautiful view. Low-level pals spawn here, making it a great spot to set up a base beginning in the game. While it might not have as many resources as other locations, its unique and cool appearance earned it a spot on this list.
8. Mining Base in the Desert (-161, -86)

In this location, you’ll find a total of 6 coal ores, and the base location is in the desert. If you’re in the early stages of the game or have only done a bit of grinding, this spot might be challenging to move to due to the decent-level pals that spawn here. You’ll need to upgrade a bit before settling in this area.
Right in front of this base location, you’ll encounter an alpha boss enemy, a very powerful pal. However, once you establish your base here, capturing this boss becomes much easier. There’s also a camp behind the statue where you can gather more pals.
9. The Most Beautiful Base Location (302, -252)

The next base location on our list is undoubtedly the most beautiful. This area features unique trees and a picturesque lake. Right at the base location, you’ll find plenty of berries and even a nearby chest.
If you build your base here with a good design, it will surely be one of the most beautiful bases in the game. Plus, you can set up your base here right from the beginning since there aren’t many high-level pals spawning in this area.
This location combines aesthetic beauty with practical resources, making it a perfect choice for your base.
10. Ultimate Treasure Base Location (-77, -316)

Last but not least, I’m going to share a treasure base location with you. Here you’ll find a spot rich with resources: 10-11 ores, plenty of wood, some stone, and rocks. There’s also a chest here that you can loot.
If you place your palbox in the middle of these ores and build your base around it, you’ll never have to worry about resources again. This location provides an abundance of everything you need, making it an ideal spot for a well-rounded and resource-rich base.
So, these were the 10 best locations where you can set up your base in Palworld. If you have any other favorite locations, feel free to share them in the comments.